Tuesday 6 January 2015

One on One With Founder Of Man Made Fashion/Image Consultant Humbulani Vhulahani

Men are quite different and its often said" men buy and women shop"...Lol...Indeed some men tend to be analytical and they make purchase based on certain information. They like to get in the shop buy what they need and move on within seconds and they don't mind to buy the same item over and over again, let me leave this conservation to the male expert.

I recently had the opportunity to interview the founder of Man Made Fashion  PTY LTD Humbulani Vhulahani. He is an
Image Consultant/Personal Stylist for men...what a calm, un-phased, approachable gentleman.Its always refreshing to see that not every fashionista wears an "I am mighty" attitude around.Lets get some tips on how to stay on top of the game.

1.Tell us a little about yourself ..
I can summarise myself in three words; innovative, creative and enthusiastic – entrepreneur with well-rounded knowledge in various industries, and a founder/managing director of Man Made Fashion PTY LTD who loves and understands men’s executive fashion very well. I have styled and dressed ordinary people, professionals and prominent politicians and business people all across South Africa. I was born in 1979 in Johannesburg and was raised in a small village called Khubvi in Venda, Limpopo, which gave me a great exposure of both rural and urban life...so yeah I’m a “Venda man”

2.How did you decide to start the brand?
I started Man Made Fashion 3 years ago just retailing men’s clothing focusing on suits, blazers and shirts and recently added  image consulting and styling which brought a lot of tangible value to the brand. Man Made fashion came as a result of a need I spotted on men. Men in general do not know  garments cut, color and other simple unwritten dressing rules that every man should follow, as a result they end up asking for advice from their partners and spouses. Someone has to bridge that gap to educate and dress these men appropriately, which is what Man Made Fashion is about.

3.How do you feel about the fashion industry today?
I feel the industry is growing though not at a desired pace. We still have a very long way to go to be counted among the countries that are doing well when it comes to fashion. This country needs more and more young local fashion entrepreneurs to transform the industry, we need to move from sourcing our fashion from the rest of the world to producing our own and creating jobs for the young South Africans that are roaming the streets of our townships today. Perhaps government should do more to invest in our young people to contribute to the growth of the industry.

4.Whats  been the best and worst things about being a fashion entrepreneur?
The best thing is to be able to steer the fashion trends towards the direction you desire. Also being able to contribute to the industry with your own idea as opposed to just sit back and wish for change from a distance. The worst is to have to deal with the difficulties of the industry politics and funding every step of your way from your pocket.

5.Who is your target market?
My target market is young professionals, executive men of ages between 22 and 55 who appreciate great quality formal wear and style.

6.With so many boutiques and online stores why would people come to you for image advice?
One of my strongest point is in consulting with my clients at the comfort of their own home which conveniently gives me access their closets which no online store can do. My focus is in helping men to design their own desired looks and supplying them with the correct garments of the right cuts to suit their body types and needs.
My prices are more affordable considering I do not have huge overheads like expensive rentals and a lot of staff on payroll.

7.Fashion changes so fast.How does this impact on you and your business?
I like that, because it keeps me on my toes, but most importantly helps me to realise exclusivity.

8.What do you love about being an Image consultant/Stylist?
Besides the fact I benefit directly from my own skills, I like the change and the satisfaction I see in my clients when I’m done with my magic. Being able to transform someone’s view of themselves by just changing how they look is very fulfilling to me.

9.What are your future plans for the business?
On my plan is a one stop shop for men’s image, a studio where a man walks in and walk out totally transformed, from hair & beauty to clothing…

10.How would you describe your personal style?
Classic with a touch of color and uniqueness…

11.What are you into this season?
I’m into crispy white shirts, shades and happy socks…

12.Whats the best tip you can give to guys looking to develop their style?
Develop your style based on your personality, your point of view and how you want portray yourself. BE ORIGINAL (remember it takes time to define a look). If you still struggling, CALL ME

13.Do you pay attention to trends when styling and how much do you allow them to influence your styling?
Yes I do pay attention to trends, they are a good way to stay current in the eyes of your clients. Most of the time clients ask for things because they have seen them on celebrities, TV or magazines so i give my clients what they want but also educate them about other new trends or styles i recommend.

14.What is your favorite item you own and why?
A slim fit navy 100% wool summer suit, I just love it, it has this elegant power look about it…

15.What is the most important lesson that life has taught you?
That exposure is very important in one’s dreams, one must expose themselves as much as possible with the world they desire to be in. This will helps one to dream big and plan accordingly towards reaching their dream

16.Whats your go to outfit?
Navy suit, cripy white shirt, white vest, happy socks and brown shoes and a matching belt, shades and a geat SMILE…

17.How can people reach you for your services?
Email: humbu@manmadefashion.co.za
Cell: 0824551469

Pictures by Humbulani

By:Tebogo Sheela

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