Tuesday 6 January 2015


Meet Siyanda Ngquba,she was born and raised in Eastern Cape.Siya studied BSc(Mathematics and Statistics) and BScHons (Computational Finance) but that didnt stop her on following her other passion to start a succesful home-based jewellery design and photography business.Although i only discovered Siya's amazing jewellery.I'm already a huge fan.Her designs are elegant and simple.

First off,I would like to thank Siyanda Nqguba for agreeing to do this interview with us.Siya is talking about her work,trends,designs and more.i must say she makes some really incredible jewellery.we caught up with her to ask few questions about her new venture.There are some pretty cool pieces we think you all will be into.

1.Tell us about yourself, including what you do and how you got there?
I am a go-getter, can think on my feet and enjoy challenges as I like solving problems. It is who I am. I am employed on a full time basis and do photography and jewelry design and making the remainder of my time.
I studied a BSc (Mathematics and Statistics) and BSc Hons (Computational Finance) at the University of the Western Cape from 2006 – 2009. Where after, I worked as an Actuarial Assistant and thereafter as a Management Consultant. Through hard work, I managed to complete my studies at get an opportunity of working with the best minds in the country.The formal business name is Mirror me projects (Pty) Ltd where we provide a photography service & this entity is named as Mirror Me Photography and we also design and hand make beaded jewelry & this entity is named as a Mirror Me Jewellery.

2.How did you start your brand?
I started the photography business (Mirror Me Photography) early 2012 as I enjoyed and still enjoy taking photos of people and I saw my skill being improved if I went for training. The training I underwent taught me to take a good photo the first time. Being a photographer means you avail yourself daily to learning, exploring and finding ways to improve yourself. What I enjoy the most is the reward of a smile from a happy client when we provide an even better service than what they expected.I started the jewelry business (Mirror Me Jewellery) months after I started the photography business. It started as a hobby as when I went to buy jewelry, I found that everyone was wearing the same jewelry as me. As a person, you want to stand out, you want enhance your beauty by what you wear as it gives you further confidence. I made jewelry for myself and thereafter decided to create necklaces that are exclusive, unique, elegant and timeless.

3.How big is the accessory business today from when you started?
Mirror Me Jewellery is still considered as a small business as we sell our jewelry at a boutique, on social media, 2 websites, at different markets & pop up events around Johannesburg and individuals I meet on a daily basis. We employ one female designer, one lady who does our packaging and myself as a designer.

4.How do you define luxury?
Luxury is a product or service, received by an individual, which brings status to the individual that receives the product or service of luxury.

5.What materials and techniques do you favor?
We use beads in different size, from the small to the biggest. We also custom make jewelry to the design and material that the client requires. All our jewelry are handmade. Depending on the design, we use different techniques to complete each design. It is simple to be frank. We use double strings for bracelets instead of one for durability. We use wire instead of string for the necklaces with the bigger beads. We use doubled strings for the small beads so that the jewellery for durability.

6.Tell us about your design style and what makes it unique?
We are inspired by different jewelry designs in the market but we do not design what is out there. We design what we would wear as designers, the chunkier or bigger the better as we want our jewelry to stand out and also make pieces as per client suggestions.
Our designs are unique because of the quality of the material we use, the attention to detail, the quality in the jewelry making process to make sure each product is durable, our packaging and FREE delivery service to our clients to all 9 provinces in South Africa.The other things that makes our jewelry unique are the custom designs that we do for our clients.

7. What kind of person wears your jewelry?
Our customers are individuals (males who buy for females and females who buy for themselves) who appreciate the uniqueness of our designs.
The lady that wears our jewelry is one that appreciates the elegance the jewelry brings to their look and pieces that can be worn at work, after work, at a function (formal, semi-formal, traditional or otherwise), etc.

8.Where do you draw your inspiration from?
We draw inspiration from practically everywhere. For instance, we see a couch with colors we never thought of combining and we use those colors for a design we want to make. We also draw inspiration from past fashion trends like color blocking and create a piece with a lot of colors. We also draw from our national flag, where we make a necklace with its colors without the necklace being a flag.We also look at jewelry out there and chop and mix designs out there and what we would add or remove from the pieces.

9.What’s it like to see someone on the street wearing one of your creations?
It is amazing to see someone wearing our jewelry as it means that people appreciate what we do and how we do it. Honestly, I smile to myself and they always smile back thinking I am smiling at them.

10.What are upcoming trends in the jewelry design industry?
The upcoming trends in the jewelry design industry is said to have a decrease in sales due to a shortage of disposable income to consumers but I am certain that this will not affect us  significantly as our jewelry are timeless and quality pieces and custom made jewelry. Our customers get what they want.
In terms of style, it depends what type of jewelry one makes, i.e. gold or silver or beaded. Most jewelry companies look at the clothing trends at different fashion weeks in the world. Mirror Me Jewellery does not necessarily follow trends but design and makes unique pieces.

11.Who are your favorite designers?
My favorite designer is Bongie Walaza as she also came from humble beginnings and she is making it big.

12.What is your favorite piece you've created and what made it special?
My favorite piece is the silver and yellow long plaited necklace as it is a pop of color. It fits in with any plain color top or dress or shirt.

13.The most valuable lesson you have learned?
The most valuable lesson I have learnt by being in business is SOMEONE SAID NO BECAUSE THEY DID  NOT UNDERSTAND YOU.

14.What advice would you give to someone interested in getting into the jewelry design business?

                078 295 3246

By:Tebogo Sheela

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